Cheyenne Co Farmers Market

Board members
Director ->
April Oestman

[email protected]

Duties include scheduling and running the monthly board meeting, coordinating with committees, and informing the committee representative of the scheduled board meeting so they can attend and make their report.

Vice-Director ->
jenice callicrate

[email protected]

Duties are the same as the Director. The Vice-Director must be ready to fill in for the Director for any reason.

Secretary ->
Bernadette Mills

[email protected]

Duties include keeping a record of board meeting activities, creating minutes of that meeting, and presenting those previous meeting’s minutes at the next meeting.

Public Relations ->
Ariel Gilbertson

[email protected]

Duties include the coordination and recording of interaction between the board and outside entities, whether those entities be committees, local government, newspapers, online social networks, etc.

Treasurer ->
Jason Padgett

[email protected]

Duties include keeping a record of all financial transactions made with Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market funds, and making a summary report of those transactions and balances at each board meeting.

Staff members
Coordinator ->
Dianna Padgett

[email protected]

The coordinator will execute all activities and decisions set forth by the board of directors.


Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
St. Francis Public Library

The monthly meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market was called to order by Chairman Jason Padgett at 8:30 am.
Also present were:
Bernadette Luncsford, Secretary
Kelley Milliken, Public Relations
Dani Holzwarth, Treasurer
Elmer Kellner, Guest

The minutes of the November 6, 2019 board meeting were reviewed. Dani Holzwarth moved to accept the minutes.
Bernadette Luncsford seconded. Motion carried.

Checks on hand need to be cashed (11/6 Concession $770.32; 11/30 Thrift store $301.42; 11/29 Santa $50).
Kelley is waiting for the EIN number before she can open a bank account and pay the outstanding bills (Majestic $198 and Kelley Chili Dinner expense $50). Signature authority for the Farmer's Market also needs to be established in order to open a bank account. The fundraising goal is $3000 to open the 2020 season. All agreed to more fundraising opportunities should they arise at the Thrift Store or Concessions. Farmers Market is scheduled to run Concessions again in February.

Training: Dani Holzwarth reminded everyone about the regional Farmer’s Market invitation being hosted by From the Land of Kansas on February 29th in Leoti. Discussion was held. Dani and Kelley expressed interest in attending. It was brought up that perhaps the CCCD would be willing to pay the registration fee.
Public Comment: Elmer Kellner requested assistance volunteering to ring the bell for the Salvation Army at the grocery store. He also expressed interest in being involved with fundraisers. Elmer would also like to let Farmers Market participants know about his onion coop by sharing about it if a seed swap is hosted.

2020 Season: A vendor letter and application for the 2020 season was reviewed and changes needed were noted.
Bernadette will get Kelley digital copies of the documents for review once changes are made.
Outreach: Jason reported that he is still working on the website and Facebook page. It was agreed to offer a "likes" promotion. Bernadette offered to put together seed packets as prizes. Dani reported that she and Bernadette can collaborate on newspaper articles to be submitted throughout the winter months.

Signature Authority and Business Address: Dani Moved that any of the 5 members have signature authority for the Farmer's Market. Jason seconded. The motion carried. Kelley moved that the address for the Farmer's Market be 115 W Spencer, St Francis, KS 67756. Jason seconded. The motion carried.
State Tax: Discussion took place regarding the benefits of collecting the sales tax from the producers at each market and paying them directly to the State. Kelley made a motion to charge no annual fee for participants and charge no booth rent for participants, but that each participant would report their sales at the end of each market and pay the Farmer's Market 15% of their sales that day. The Farmer's Market would pay the Kansas State sales tax out of that 15% and keep the rest for operating expenses. Jason seconded and the motion carried.
Winter Markets: Ideas were discussed for generating interest over the winter including Soupapalooza, Christmas Sale (ornaments & candy), and a seed swap.

The next monthly board meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market will be scheduled by Poll.
A Farmer's Market Coordinator position will need to be updated and voted on along with the hiring process that will be utilized to fill the position for the 2020 season.
Dani moved to adjourn the meeting. Kelley seconded. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 am.


Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, February 2nd 2020
St. Francis Public Library

The monthly meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market was called to order by Chairman Jason Padgett at 8:30 am. Also present were:
Bernadette Luncsford, Secretary
Kelley Milliken, Public Relations
Dani Holzwarth, Treasurer

The minutes of the December 11, 2019 board meeting were reviewed. Dani moved to accept the minutes. Kelley seconded. Motion carried.

Checks on hand need to be cashed (11/8 Concession $770.32; 11/22 Concession $526.92; 11/30 Thrift store $301.42; 11/29 Santa $50). EIN number has been established, bank signature card needs to be signed by all board members before we can use the bank account. We need to pay Majestic $198 and Kelley for Chili Dinner expenses $50.
Signature authority was determined at the December meeting: Any Board member can sign on behalf of the Farmers Market Board. However, two signatures will be required for writing checks from the Farmer's Market Board checking account.

Dani agreed to contact Candi about getting the signs that Cheyenne County Food Collective bought for the Farmer's Market last year. They are still in the garage of the 2019 season coordinator.

Regional Farmer’s Market meeting being hosted by From the Land of Kansas on February 29th from 9-3 in Leoti.
Dani, Bernadette, and Kelley expressed interest in attending. All agreed it would be nice to purchase a scale and have it certified at the event.
2020 Season: A vendor letter and application for the 2020 season was reviewed and changes needed were noted.
Bernadette will get digital copies of the documents for review once changes are made. The market sales form was reviewed, and no changes were needed.
Outreach: Jason reported that he is still working on the website and Facebook page. Kelley awarded plants to the winners of the likes contest. Bernadette put together seed packets as prizes for the next contest.
Market Coordinator: Kelley will update the Position Description she created to include salary, collecting sales tax, time-off limitations, a beginning date of May 1st, and an ending date of Sept 30.
Hiring Process Timeline: 2/17 Coordinator Ad in Conservation Edition, Newspaper & FaceBook, 3/25 Application Deadline, 4/1 review applications.

HERO Grant: Farmer's Market was awarded a $1500 grant to purchase equipment. The money will be used for tables, chairs, a scale, and possibly signs as determined through text messaging on Jan 28th, 2020.
Donation: Farmer's Market received a $50 cash donation from Travis Darian Woo, life coach, through a Facebook competition on his FB page about adding value to your community.
Soupapalouza: March 8th @noon. Kelley will try to book UMC. Free Will offering. Jason, Kelley & Bernadette will cook soups; Kelley will bake bread; Bernadette will bake gluten-free bread; Dani will provide crackers, butter, spoons & bowls; there is coffee, tea, & hot cocoa left over from other events that can be used.
Fund Raising Schedule: 2/21 FM Board will run concessions at High School; 3/8 Soupapalouza and Seed Swap; 3/21 run Thrift Store.
2020 Farmer's Market Timeline: Mid-April -Hire Coordinator, Mid-May- Hold informational Meeting, June 6- First market of the season.

The next board meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market will be March 4th at 8:30 am in the Library.


Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, March 4th 2020
St. Francis Public Library
The monthly meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market was called to order by Chairman Jason Padgett at
8:40 am. Also present were:
Bernadette Luncsford, Secretary
Kelley Milliken, Public Relations
Dani Holzwarth, Treasurer
The minutes of the February 5th, 2020 board meeting were reviewed. Jason moved to accept the minutes. Dani
seconded. Motion carried.
All checks were deposited totaling $1598.66. Expenditures were 201.19. See the attached Report.
Dani needs the Internet password for the bank account. Bernadette made a motion to accept the treasurer's report,
Kelley seconded the motion.
A Thank You needs to be sent to Travis Darian Woo, Life Coach for the $50 donation. Bernadette will send.
Leoti: Bernadette attended the Regional Farmer’s Market meeting being hosted by From the Land of Kansas on
February 29th in Leoti. She brought back information about rules and regulations, including versions in Spanish, to
be handed out at the vendor's meeting. DOR will work with CCFM to report taxes appropriately for the vendors.
2020 Season: A vendor letter and application for the 2020 season was loaded on the CCFM website.
Outreach: Social media posts will be developed and shared for Soupapalouza by all board members. Kelley will
post fliers around town as well.
Market Coordinator: Kelley updated the Position Description, Jason has uploaded it to the CCFM website.
Hiring Process Timeline: 3/31 Application Deadline, 4/1 review applications.
HERO Grant: Dani will order the tables and chairs in May from the local True Value store.
Soupapalouza: March 8th @noon. Kelley will try to book UMC. Free Will offering. Jason, Kelley & Bernadette will
cook soups; Kelley will bake bread; Bernadette will bake gluten-free bread; Dani will provide crackers, butter,
spoons & bowls; there is coffee, tea, & hot cocoa left over from other events that can be used.
Fund Raising Schedule: 2/21 ran concessions at High School; 3/8 Soupapalouza and Seed Swap; 3/21 run Thrift
2020 Farmer's Market Timeline: Mid-April -Hire Coordinator, May 16th- Hold informational Meeting, June 6- First
market of the season.
Bird City Farmer's Market - Candi contacted Dani and indicated that people in Bird City were interested in
developing a Farmer's Market. It was agreed that when they approached us we would meet with them and help them.
The next board meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market will be April 1st at 8:30 am in the Library.


Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, June 3rd 2020
Tin Roof Bakery

The monthly meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market was called to order by Chairman Jason Padgett at
3:25 pm.

Also present were:
Bernadette Luncsford, Secretary
Kelley Milliken, Public Relations
Jenice Callicrate, Vice Chairman
Heidi Straub-Marquez, Market Coordinator

The minutes of the March 4th, 2020 board meeting were reviewed. Jason moved to accept the minutes. Jenice
seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer was on Maternity Leave for the meeting, no report was given.

No communications to discuss.

2020 Season: The market starts on Saturday. Kelley will bring a cash bag and card table. Heidi will bring the coordinator's
supplies. Bernadette will bring a hand washing station. Jenice & Bernadette will get tables to Park.

Market Coordinator: 1st paycheck will cover May 21-27 with a pay date of May 30th. Will continue every week until
Oct 1-7th with a final pay date of October 10th. Two board member signatures will be required to be on each check.
Kelley moved to approve the pay schedule, and Jenice seconded. the motion carried.

HERO Grant: Tables and chairs were picked up and stored in Conservation District storage, marked with FM's name.
Candi will pay True Value directly.

Soupapalouza: was successfully held on March 8th at noon.

Fund Raising Schedule: Opportunities through the summer to prepare meals would be acceptable to all board

2020 Farmer's Market Timeline: Every Saturday through September 9-12 in Courthouse Park. Vendor potluck on
October 3rd for feedback and season-end celebration.

Reaching out to Vendors: Heidi recommended Snow Cones, Elmer, and Maria. Bernadette agreed to reach out to Nina
and Allen.

Zoom account: No vendors participated in the informational Zoom meeting. Jason will cancel the Zoom account.

The next board meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market will be August 14th at 7 pm at Callicrate's.


Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market Monthly Meeting
Friday, August 14th 2020
Callicrate's Patio

The monthly meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market was called to order by Chairman Jason Padgett at 7 pm.

Also present were:
Bernadette Luncsford, Secretary
Kelley Milliken, Public Relations
Jenice Callicrate, Vice Chairman
Heidi Straub-Marquez, Market Coordinator

The minutes of the June 3rd, 2020 board meeting were postponed to the next meeting.

Treasurer was on Maternity Leave for the meeting, no report was given.

No communications to discuss.

2020 Season: Going well. Monthly sales are just under $2,000.00

Market Coordinator: Reaching out to more vendors. Calculating weekly sales and deposits. populating website data.

HERO Grant: Offered to purchase a certified scale for the Farmer's Market.

Fund Raising Schedule: Concert in the Park on the 29th. Fundraiser dinner plate. Callicrate will donate the meat,

Ricardo will cook; Heidi drinks; Kelley rice, beans, and utensils; Jenice dessert; Bernadette pico, cups, and plates;

Jason salsa. plan on 150 people.

2020 Farmer's Market Timeline: Every Saturday through September 9-12 in Courthouse Park. Concert in the park

fundraiser on 8/29, Vendor potluck on October 3rd for feedback, and season-end celebration.

Attracting new Vendors: Patsy Rethke-quilts? Larry & Terry Finley?

COVIS SBA Loan: Bernadette offered to apply for the farmers market. Kelley made a motion, and Jason seconded. motion carried.

End of Season event: music & dinner on Oct 10th

Fundraisers after season: painting rocks as garden markers with Peggy-Bernadette will follow up;

Concessions and thrift store -Kelley will follow up; Youtube presenter Gardener Scott-Jenice will follow up.

The next board meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market will be September 21st at 7 pm at Callicrate's.


CheyenneCounty Farmer’s Market Monthly Meeting
Saturday, February 6th 2021
Tin Roof Bakery

The monthly meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market was called to order by Chairman Jason Padgett at 10 am and concluded at noon.
Also present were:
Jenice Callicrate, Vice Chairman
Bernadette Luncsford, Secretary
Kelley Milliken, Public Relations

The minutes of the August 14th, 2020 board meeting were reviewed and approved.

Treasurer was on Maternity Leave for the meeting, no report was given. Kelley shared the check from working concessions ($488).

No communications to discuss.

2021 Season: Preparing for the new season will be a priority. Kelley will order the scale in May. No vendor appreciation dinner was held at the end of last season so it was discussed that we may hold a vendor appreciation meal in conjunction with the vendor meeting to open the season.
Market Coordinator: Discussion was held around the coordinator position. The position Description needs to be updated to include activities possible with website functionality. Kelley made a motion to offer Heidi StraubMarquez a contract for the 2021 season as she was a successful coordinator for the 2020 season. Bernadette seconded the motion. It was agreed a time would be set to go over feedback from the last season and expectations for the upcoming season with Heidi including utilizing the new email outreach features in the website for communicating regularly with vendors. Bernadette will develop the 2020 1099 for Heidi and get a copy to Kelley.
HERO Grant: Offered to purchase a certified scale for the Farmer's Market. We have received the money and Kelley will make the purchase as we get closer to the season.
Fund Raising Schedule: March - Soupapalouza event, Thrift store opportunities (Kelley will investigate).
2021 Farmer's Market Timeline: March: Soupapalouza; April: Kelley will order the scale; May: update vendor agreement, Season Kick-off event. June: Farmer's Market every Saturday, June 5th through September 25th, 9-12 at Courthouse Park.

Attracting new Vendors: Offer current vendors a gift for referring someone who signs up as a vendor, create a flyer about how to participate as a vendor, and upload a video to the website that shows how to sign up as a vendor on the website.
COVID SBA Loan: Bernadette will continue to work on this.
Season Kickoff event: May. Offer Heidi hourly pay for assisting with the meeting. Purchase food for vendor appreciation meal. Go over rules and potential new tax info on Farmers Market sales.
Workshops: painting rocks as garden markers with Peggy-Bernadette will follow up; Bone Char uses; Youtube presenter Gardener Scott-Jenice will follow up.

The next board meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market will be March 6th at 10 am at Tin Roof Bakery


Farmer’s Market Board Meeting

10/9/2021 Minutes

The Meeting was called to order at 6 pm

Present: Bernadette Luncsford, Jason Padgett, Kelley Milliken, Janice Callicrate

Emergency meeting held before End of Season Harvest Dinner
The meeting was called to order to read Dani Holzwarth’s resignation from the Farmer’s Market Board of Directors. Bernadette made the motion to accept the resignation, and Jason seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

By-laws indicate that a new board member must be voted upon and unanimously agreed upon by the four sitting board members.

Jason made a motion to fill the board vacancy by offering it to April Oestman. Kelley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

It was recommended that the board offer it to April at the Harvest Dinner and then upon her acceptance, announce her board membership.

The next Meeting will be scheduled after Christmas


Cheyenne County Farmer's Market Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, December 28, 2021
Fresh Seven

The monthly meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market was called to order by Chairman Jason Padgett at
3 pm. Also present were:
Bernadette Luncsford, Secretary
Kelley Milliken, Public Relations
Jenice Callicrate, Vice President
April Oestman, Board Nominee

The minutes of the October 9, 2021, special board meeting were read. Kelley Milliken moved to accept the minutes. Jason Padgett seconded. Motion carried.

Account has $2060.77 currently. 2021 Season Total Sales were $13,842.54: June,1656.50; July, 3766.50; August, 4777.04; September, 3642.50.

No communications

The board vacancy left by Dani Holzwarth was offered to April Oestman at the Harvest Dinner on October 9, 2021, and she accepted. Jason moved to appoint April to the Board of Directors. Kelley Milliken seconded. Motion carried. Kelley Milliken moved to appoint the following slate of officers: President, April Oestman; Vice President, Jenice Callicrate; Secretary, Bernadette Luncsford; Treasurer, Jason Padgett; Public Relations, Kelley Milliken. Jason Padgett seconded. Motion carried.

Jenice proposed the board hold a winter market food event, on March 5th, 10-2 CT with music, food, and vendors.
Board members agreed to reach out to vendors and see who would participate. Bernadette will send a vendor group email. Jenice will design the flyer and email it to Kelley. Location TBD and further planning at the February Meeting. Outreach to invite new vendors was discussed and the possibility of networking with other community groups and setting up a display at their events. Printing an informational flyer about the Farmers Market could be made available at the displays.
Increasing the available products in the June markets was discussed and reaching out to vendors to see if they can focus on something to provide at the June markets that we could count on. Also bringing in more diverse vendors with additional products would help.

Kelley will sign the board up for the Thrift Store Saturday spots and can check with game concessions if they aren't already full.

Tracking Market foot traffic next year would help to know the customer trends. Taking a customer head count at 11 am each week would show if the number of customers is increasing or decreasing.
Ideas to improve this season's market were: Weekly email before market talking about which vendors are planning to be there, Music at each market, Adding more festivities, having games available, More signs, Getting onto the electronic sign on the highway, Getting into community events in the newspaper.

Meeting was closed by April Oestman at 4 pm. Next meeting is Feb 2nd, 2021 time and place TBD


Cheyenne County Farmer's Market Monthly Meeting
Saturday, February 2nd, 2022
Fresh Seven

The monthly meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer's Market was called to order by Chairman April Oestman at 10 am. Also present were:
Bernadette Luncsford, Secretary
Jenice Callicrate, Vice President
Kelley Milliken, Public Relations
Jason Padgett, Treasurer

The minutes of the December 2021 board meeting were read. Kelley Milliken moved to accept the minutes. Jason Padgett seconded. Motion carried.

The account has $2249.77 currently.
2021 Season Total Sales were $13,842.54: June,1656.50; July, 3766.50; August, 4777.04; September, 3642.50.
Kelley moved to accept financials, and Bernadette seconded.

No communications

Web site costs Jason Padgett to host on his server. Kelley moved the FM Board to pay Jason his usual annual fee. Jenice

Plans were made for a winter market on March 5th. Personal outreach to vendors was planned in addition to an email to all vendors. The market will be held at Althea's building.

Kelley will sign the board up for the Thrift store Saturday spots available.

A coordinator will need to be set in place before the season starts, discuss at the April Meeting.

The meeting was closed by April Oestman at 12 pm. The next meeting is the first week of April, time and place TBD


Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market Monthly Meeting
Saturday, April 9th, 2022
Fresh Seven

The monthly meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market was called to order by Chairman April Oestman at 10 am. Also present were:
Bernadette Luncsford, Secretary
Kelley Milliken, Public Relations
Jason Padgett, Treasurer

The minutes of the February 2022 board meeting were read. Jason moved to accept the minutes. Kelley seconded.
Motion carried.

Account has $1904.80 currently. Winter market sales were $1249.34. The Market earned $68.74 in fees. Kelley moved to accept financials, and Bernadette seconded. Kelley moved the market change to quarterly sales tax reporting, April seconded.
Kelley moved to add April to the Bank signature card and to remove Dani Holzwarth from the Bank Signature card. Bernadette Seconded. Motion Carried. Jason will file 2020 and 2021 tax returns.

No communications

Time to hire a coordinator. Jason will post the advertisement. The first Market will be on June 4th.

Partnering with Cheyenne County Conservation District on their home gardening program. Partnering with local Food Council on Local Food Tour. Bernadette needs to write a letter to a local rep requesting support for a bill removing taxes from Farmer's Market sales. We will prepare to hold one indoor Farmers' Market per month over the winter season.

Kelley will sign the board up for the Thrift store Saturday spots available. Concert in the park will be on Aug 20th and the FM board will plan a dinner again.

Live music, and games for special occasions.

The meeting was closed by April Oestman at 12 pm. The next meeting is May 7, 10 am, place TBD.
The next monthly board meeting of the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market will be on Wednesday, December 11, 2022, at 8:30 am. Dani moved to adjourn the meeting. Kelley seconded. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:52 am.

Vendor Procedures

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

THE MISSION of the Cheyenne County Farmers Market is to enhance community health via locally grown, fresh agricultural and related products and information. The concept of a Farmer's Market allows county residents the opportunity for community involvement, awareness, and participation in the local economic base. As this is a community market, it requires cooperation from all sellers, buyers, and volunteers to make it a success.

1. Who may sell? Growers, craftspeople, artisans, bakers, and honey producers. Vendors grow, make, or bake the products they have for sale themselves. Products cannot be purchased by a vendor and then resold at the market.
2. What may be sold? Fresh produce, cut flowers, live plants, baked goods, eggs, honey, jams, jellies, frozen meats, and handcrafted items. Product-specific guidelines are outlined in Food Safety for Kansas Farmers Market Vendors: Regulations and Best Practices.
3. Each seller has the privilege and responsibility to establish prices on his/her own goods. Prices should never be lower than supermarket prices, even in peak season. Vendors are encouraged not to underprice! Do not sell yourself or your fellow vendors short!
4. All vendors are subject to inspection by state and local authorities.
5. Market location, dates, and times - The Outdoor Market Season is located in the City Park. Markets begin on the first Saturday in June at 9:00 am and continue through the end of September, produce and weather permitting.
6. Vendor stalls: First come first serve for tables. ALL VENDORS must be in their stall 15 minutes prior to opening. Vendors are responsible for supplying extra tables, chairs, canopies, etc.
7. Set up and start times - Set-up may begin an hour prior to the market starting. Vendors are asked to be in place no later than 1/4 hour before market start time.
8. Vendors are responsible for their own insurance, licenses, and any permits necessary for the products they sell at CCFM.
9. Vendor fees - Each vendor pays:

  • If the Vendor either does not have a state sales tax number or wishes for the Farmer's Market to handle the paying of the sales tax, the vendor needs to pay the Farmer's Market the amount of applicable taxes at the end of the market shift. The vendor is also responsible for paying the Farmer's Market fee at the end of the Farmer's Market shift.
  • CCFM pays the sales tax for products sold at the market. Vendors will receive a statement at the end of the year summarizing total sales reported, the amount paid to sales tax, and the amount market collected to go toward operating expenses.

10. Vendors are welcome to accept credit or debit cards at their booth with Square technology (or other mobile phone/tablet apps). This income should be recorded as "Cash" on the daily vendor report form and the vendor will pay the taxes on such income. The vendor is also responsible for all fees incurred for this income.
11. Food Trucks certified with the state of KS to provide hot, ready-to-eat foods are welcome to sell at the Cheyenne Co Farmers Market. Food Truck vendors will be expected to abide by the same setup and start times as regular vendors.

Food Truck Vendor Fees - vendor pays:
● A flat $15 stall fee at each market attended. It is understood that Food Truck vendors will be responsible for paying their own sales tax to the state of Kansas.
● For the purposes of market records, Food Truck Vendors will be asked to turn in a daily total sales summary at the markets they attend.

At the end of each market, vendors should report to the kiosk with:
1) The daily vendor report handed to you by the market volunteer at the beginning of market time.
2) Any tokens, coupons, and market money you have collected that day.
3) Your daily commission fees, payable in any combination of check or cash.

CCFM Manager/Volunteer will assist vendors in calculating the final amount due.

Grievance Procedure - Any Grievance regarding the pricing habits, displays, or conduct of another vendor should be immediately directed to the market manager and NOT directed to the vendor in question. If the market coordinator fails to settle the grievance, it shall be directed to the CCFM board for discussion and vote.

Vendor Agreement – All registered vendors are required to review and sign the vendor agreement to participate in markets.


Adopted October 9, 2019

Mission Statement: To help strengthen our local food system, through educating and empowering community support of a marketplace that supports healthy, local, and sustainable food and homemade items to contribute to our local economy.

Board of Directors: The duty of the board of directors will help to guide and develop existing policies and regulations for the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market. The board of directors will oversee the coordinator position and be fiscally responsible for the Farmer’s Market. The Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market will hold 5 positions to make up a board of directors. Qualified directors are Cheyenne County residents, local producers, or vendors. The board of director positions are as follows:

Chairman: Duties include scheduling and running the monthly board meeting, coordinating with committees, and informing the committee representative of the scheduled board meeting so they can attend and make their report.

Vice Chairman: Duties are the same as the Chairman. The Vice Chairman must be ready to fill in for the Chairman for any reason.

Secretary: Duties include keeping a record of board meeting activities, creating minutes of that meeting, and presenting those previous meeting’s minutes at the next meeting.

Treasurer: Duties include keeping a record of all financial transactions made with Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market funds, and making a summary report of those transactions and balances at each board meeting.

Public Relations: Duties include the coordination and recording of interaction between the board and outside entities, whether those entities be committees, local government, newspapers, online social networks, etc.

Filling Positions on the Board: The board of directors will be assigned their duty until he/she no longer wants to fill that role. At that time, the remaining board of directors can recruit until the position has been filled. To vote in a new member, a 3/5 passing vote by the board of directors will need to be achieved.

Meetings: Meetings will be held monthly. A 3/5 quorum will need to be present in order to have an official meeting. 3 present board members must be in attendance. Non-physical voting can also take place to ensure a 3/5 presence.

Committees: The board of directors will appoint and assign committees with the task of researching and developing an idea derived from the board. Committee members will be allowed to brainstorm such tasks with the understanding that they are to report back to the board of directors with their findings. Committee members will not have voting privileges, nor will they represent themselves as board members.

Farmer’s Market Coordinator: The Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market may choose to employ 1 person as their paid Farmer’s Market Coordinator for the duration of one season. The coordinator will execute all activities and decisions set forth by the board of directors. If at any time, the board of directors feels that the coordinator is under-serving, or violating the Farmer’s Market or board, the board may vote to replace the coordinator without notice. More information can be found in the Farmer’s Market Coordinator Job Description. The coordinator will be subject to the outlined duties found in the Job Description.

Financials: All funds received by the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market Board from any source, including fees, fundraising, grants, donations, etc., will be used exclusively for the coordinator’s salary, and the maintenance, promotion, and supplies for the Cheyenne County Farmer’s Market. The Treasurer will be responsible for the recording of all cash flow and for the reporting of that record at board meetings.

Amending Bylaws: Bylaws can be amended after board discussion and a 3/5 passing vote. The amendment needs to be documented in official minutes and revised in the current bylaws copy.